
How to Benefit from our Elite Sport Expertise
How to Benefit from our Elite Sport Expertise

I have an amazing job and I consider myself very lucky to have such a job. With a comfortable mix of working with private clients and elite athletes, my week at work is extremely varied. I work a proportion of my week at the National Cycling Centre with the elite cyclists of British Cycling at Manchester’s Velodome and the rest in private practice.

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Treating Back Pain – A Client’s Story
Treating Back Pain – A Client’s Story

In late 2012 a muscle in my back went into spasm and I had never appreciated how painful a back injury could be. At the time I was working in an office and sitting at a desk all day, which contributed to, and compounded the problem. The pain was so immense that I had to take time off work as I was unable to sit on a chair, the least painful position was lying down.

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Pregnancy Massage – relieve the pain!
Pregnancy Massage – relieve the pain!

Massage alleviates aches, pain and tension during the final stages of your pregnancy and helps ensure rapid postnatal recovery. The safety and well being of both the mother and baby is considered at all times and massage is not recommended during the first 16 weeks of your term.

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What Makes Muscles Tight?
What Makes Muscles Tight?

When a muscle exercises it requires a continual supply of oxygen from the blood to provide it with the energy and nutrients it needs to work efficiently.

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Troubled with Back Pain?
Troubled with Back Pain?

Did you know that back pain is the the No1 reason for absence in manual jobs in the UK and the No2 reason for long term sickness within UK offices? Back pain limits your activity rate and costs UK employers £624 million per year. The NHS spends more than £1 billion a year on back pain related treatments ranging from GP consultations, hospital appointments and physiotherapy sessions.

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6 Best Ways to Avoid Cramp
6 Best Ways to Avoid Cramp

A cramped muscle can be painful and uncomfortable and will almost certainly interrupt your training routine. Cramp is the sudden involuntary contraction of a muscle, can be very painful and can sometimes immobilise the effected person. This is an extremely common problem for athletes and those engaging in sports activities and can occur in any muscles.

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Injury Free Running
Injury Free Running

The best way to treat injuries is to avoid getting them in the first place. A few simple, preventative measures will ensure you are able to run consistently without getting injured.

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Keep your lower back flexible
Keep your lower back flexible

Many of you will spend hours during the day, probably sitting at a desk, in a flexed position which puts unnecessary pressure on your lower back and lumbar spine region. In order to counter this static flexed posture you need to stretch your body into full extension. One of the ways in which you can do this is by using a swiss ball.

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Are your muscles ready to try the evolution of the Foam Roller?
Are your muscles ready to try the evolution of the Foam Roller?

Sports Massage has been proven to flush the muscles and ease the soreness in the body after exercise. In addition, a qualified therapist should be able to uncover any tightness in the muscles and detect any muscular imbalances, both of which if left untreated could develop into an injury.

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