This video will give you tips on not only how to stretch your back but also how to strengthen it too.
Chorley’s Couch to 5K Support
Due to the massive success of the national Couch to 5K concept, Chorley Council continued this event into 2016 with a 9-week programme that started in January 2016. The training sessions were hosted by volunteers and were held three times a week, culminating in a 5K Run to celebrate the completion of the programme.
What Causes Common Ankle Injuries
Ankle injuries are prevalent in all sports, with ankle ligament sprains and in particular lateral ligament sprains (ligaments on the outside of the foot) being the most common. These particular sprains account for around 80% of all ankle injuries.Other injuries include fractures and sprains of various tendons around the ankle. Various factors have an effect on how likely a person is to injure their ankle, such as strength, proprioception (balance), environment, equipment, ankle alignment.
The Simple Truth about Sciatica – it’s Causes & Our Treatments
One of the most common reasons for clients visiting our clinics is with the uncomfortable symptoms associated with Sciatica. Classic sciatic pain normally affects one leg and is a discomfort that starts in the lower back, transfers through the buttocks (Gluteals), travels down the back of the upper leg, through the knee and into the foot.
Who better to massage a runner, than a runner! Read Cheryl’s story…
Chorley’s soon-to-be Ultra runner is invited to our clinic in Chorley to experience the benefits of massage.
EVA Awards – what a fabulous evening!!
An amazing evening was had by all at the recent Enterprise Vision Awards at Blackpool’s Winter Gardens. Sally hosted a table at the event – glitzy, glamorous and gorgeous friends attended on behalf of SB Sports Massage. Unfortunately Sally and the team were not winners, however it certainly was a night to remember, despite not bringing a trophy back!!
Top 5 Ways to Prevent Injury
Believe it or not, many injuries can be avoided if you stick to some basic principles. We can’t guarantee that if you follow these principles you won’t get injured but what we can advise is if you incorporate these guidelines into your training you will be more likely to stay injury-free.
Top 10 Reasons Why Massage is for Every Body
We use a strap-line at our clinics which is “For every body, not just an active body” and we truly believe this is true. You don’t have to be a sports person to be eligible for a Sports Massage, in fact, you don’t even need to participate in sport! Here are some of the reasons why every body should be having massage regularly.
Top 4 Complaints We Treat
At SB Sports Massage & Rehabilitation we treat a variety of different clients with varying conditions, complaints and problems associated with pain, dysfunction and immobility. Here are the top 4 complaints that we treat on a daily basis.
Text Neck – how smartphones could be damaging our spines
Apparently there’s a condition out there called “text neck” that is caused by looking down at phones and handheld devices too regularly for far too long. Could this be you? Aching in your upper back, rounded shoulders with a protruding neck, neck pain and even headaches?
3 Common Injuries in Golf & the Best Ways to Prevent & Treat Them
Since playing golf from the age of nine I have gradually come to the realisation that there is a greater risk of injury in golf than I initially was aware of. Lower back injuries are the most prevalent of all the golf injuries, followed by elbow and shoulder injuries.
Our Guide to Which Practitioner You Should See & When
When experiencing pain or discomfort it is important to see a Practitioner who will be most beneficial in helping to relieve your symptoms and hopefully prevent the recurrence of these problems. There are a wide variety of professions available, who are all trained to deal with specific problems and specialise in certain areas of health and the human body itself.